Course Calendar: 2025

MEAL DPro – EnglishMarch 31 – April 25, 2025learn moreregister | $150
Program DPro – EnglishMarch 31 – April 25, 2025learn moreregister | $150
Formulación de Propuestas – EspañolMarzo 31 – Abril 25, 2025aprender masregistrarse | $150
Formulação de Propostas – PortuguêsMarço 31 – Abril 25, 2025aprender masregistrarse | $150
Project DPro – EnglishMay 5 – May 30, 2025learn moreregister | $150
Monitoreo, Evaluación, Accountability y Aprendizaje
MEAL DPro – Español
Mayo 5 – Mayo 30, 2025aprender masregistarse |$150
Leading Project Teams – EnglishJune 2 – June 27, 2025learn moreregister | $125
Formation MEAL DPro – FrançaisJuin 2 – Juin 27, 2025apprendre pluss’inscrire | $150
Project DPro – EnglishJuly 7 – August 1, 2025learn moreregister | $150
Monitoramento, Avaliação, Accountability e Aprendizagem
MEAL DPro – Portugués
Agosto 4 – Agosto 29, 2025aprender maisregistrarse | $150
MEAL DPro – EnglishAugust 4 – August 29, 2025learn moreregister | $150
Project DPro – EnglishSeptember 1 – September 26, 2025learn moreregister | $150
FMD Pro – EnglishSeptember 1 – September 26, 2025coming sooncoming soon
Proposal Writing – EnglishSeptember 1 – September 26, 2025learn moreregister | $150
Monitoreo, Evaluación, Accountability y Aprendizaje
MEAL DPro – Español
Septiembre 1 – Septiembre 26, 2025aprender masregistrarse | $150
Formation Project DPro – FrançaisSeptembre 1 – Septembre 26, 2025apprendre pluss’inscrire | $150
MEAL DPro – EnglishOctober 6 – October 31, 2025learn moreregister | $150
Program DPro – EnglishOctober 6 – October 31, 2025learn moreregister | $150
Project DPro – EnglishNovember 3 – November 28, 2025learn moreregister | $150
Leading Project Teams – EnglishNovember 3 – November 28, 2025learn moreregister| $150
Formation MEAL DPro – FrançaisNovembre 3 – Novembre 28, 2025apprendre pluss’inscrire | $150

Pyramid Learning: Organizational Services

PATH engaged Pyramid Learning to create a process that allowed them the flexibility to meet their organizational learning priorities with minimal administrative burden – the creation of a block ticketing program. PATH has easy access to a bundle of course seats that the organization can access over a 12-month calendar period. PATH can easily market courses and upcoming sessions to targeted audiences – no invoices, no paperwork, no administrative overhead… no delays.

“The greatest benefit of this arrangement is the flexibility to incorporate Pyramid Learning courses into our global events calendar. In essence, these courses are an extension of the organizationally supported learning opportunities, so staff can plan in advance and self-enroll when a session works within their schedule. It’s easier for me to account for a fixed number of seats within my annual budget and to our staff, they benefit from courses we couldn’t regularly offer otherwise. It’s a win-win situation,”

Shannon Dowd, Director, Learning and Analytics at PATH.

Pyramid Learning has worked with the Conservation International and a number of other organizations (Spark, Nutrition International, Save the Children International and more) to facilitate training cohorts specifically for their staff.  Cohorts help training efforts quickly reach scale, and organizations have the option to adapt courses to their policies, procedures and systems. Learners also have the advantage of reflecting on content in their unique context, while sharing their experiences and challenges with colleagues.

Pyramid Learning has worked with Plan International and other organizations to develop custom curriculum for project management in the organization.  Working in collaboaration with Plan UK, we aligned and adapted the contents of the Project DPro standard to their organizational policies, systems and culture .

Pyramid Learning has worked with 3ie – the International Initiative for Impact Evaluation – providing consulting services that include: risk management policy and course development, project management coaching, learning technology support and evaluation learning materials development.[